Monday, August 9, 2010


Here for a short update;

I finished my study last May, and will be graduating this coming October. yayyy, can't wait!
p/s; I did extremely well for my very last exam, including my FYP too! Thank you to all my lecturers for the A's! tho my CGPA was not so great, but thank God! :)

and now, I'm working temporary in Department of Agriculture, Limbang, as one of the participants of Capacity Building For Graduates Programme. The staffs here are ok-ok to me, and I'm still trying to mingle around. It's kinda hard for me, cause I don't really know how to talk with older experienced peeps. -____-"

Last Saturday, the department held a Family Day, which means I had to sacrifice my precious Saturday (which it is my one and only day to wake up late, sigh!!) At first, I thought it would be so boring, but turned out, it was fun. Who knows that all the middle-aged staffs would be so sporting and active! :D

So, that's all for now. till then, bye!

p/p/s: I'll post some pics laterr!!! and welcome to my blog dear new followers, and thanks for following! :)

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